2022 Program
Masks are required inside the ANNEX. See the university COVID policy.
Program Schedule
8AM – 12PM |
Doors open for showcase Registrants & Judges |
12 – 1PM |
Entry for Students & Judges and Tabling |
1 – 4PM |
Student Presentations & Judging Review of Posters |
(3:30-4:30 Judges convene to make award decisions) | |
3 – 4:30PM |
Break; Refreshments Served |
4:30 – 5:20PM |
Special Recognition and Appreciation of former Associate Dean Uschi Simonis |
4:30 – 4:35PM |
Celebrating Uschi Simonis and her impact on Research |
Carmen Domingo, Dean, College of Science & Engineering | |
4:35 – 4:45PM |
CS4 All |
Eric Hsu, Professor/Chair, Department of Mathematics Hao Yue, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Ilmi Yoon, Professor, Department of Computer Science |
4:45 – 4:55PM |
The Incredibles: SFSU student researchers and their contributions to our understanding of diverse structures and functions of Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferases (GNATs) |
Misty Kuhn, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry | |
4:55 – 5:05PM |
Toward the Next-Generation Neural-Machine Interfaces for Neurorehabilitation |
Xiaorong Zhang, Associate Professor, School of Engineering | |
5:05 – 5:20PM |
Words of Appreciation |
5:20 PM |
Student Project Showcase winners announced and… cake! |
Entry Number: 1 GL
The complexity of the simplex retina: Identifying bipolar cell diversity in little skate’s retina
By: Emma Alejandra Alvarez Castaneda
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Entry Number: 2 GL
Using ultraconserved elements (UCEs) to explore evolutionary relationships in Butorides herons
By: Ezra Mendales
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jaime Chaves and Dr. Jack Dumbacher (CAS)
Entry Number: 3 GL
Characteristics of Chromosome Breakage in Fission Yeast S. pombe
By: Jiayu Luo
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sally Pasion
Entry Number: 4 GL
Investigating the Skate Retina by Identifying the purpose and function of Horizontal Cells
By: Yaqoub Yusuf
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Entry Number: 5 GL
Elucidating Viral G Protein-Coupled Receptor’s Role in Innate Immunity in Bystander Host Cells
By: Amanda Verzosa
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez
Entry Number: 6 GL
Using Long Read Technology to Access Genetic Variation in Natural Thermophilic Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Populations
By: Andre's Williams
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 7 GL
Low Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Density of Archaea may Suggest Low Population Diversity of Other Microorganisms in a Community of Hot Spring in Northern Spain
By: Daniel R Hogan
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 8 GL
Defining rod pathways for dim light vision in a simplex retina
By: David Umbertus
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Entry Number: 9 GL
Investigating the Interaction between KSHV Viral G Protein-Coupled Receptor and Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Complex Subunit 10
By: Eduardo Hernandez and Jan Mikhale Cajulao
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez
Entry Number: 10 GL
Effect of carbon starvation on vacuole number and size in haploid and diploid fission yeast
By: Emily Conrad
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Chan
Entry Number: 11 GL
Histone Variant HTZ-1 as a Transcriptional Regulator of Germline Genes in C. elegans
By: Eric Tang and Nicholas Chu
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Diana Chu
Entry Number: 12 GL
Protein-Protein Interaction Analysis of Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus and its Role in Host Viral Replication
By: Ernst Heinz V. Pulido
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez, Dr. Robyn Kaake (UCSF), and Dr. Scott Roy
Entry Number: 13 GL
Uncovering the mysteries of antibiotic resistance through phylogenetic analysis
By: Florentine van Nouhuijs, MaryGracy Antony, and Faye Orcales
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Pleuni Pennings
Entry Number: 14 GL
Comparing the Performance of Machine Learning Algorithms for
Predicting Antibiotic Resistance
By: Jameel Ali, Meris Johnson-Hagler, Faye Orcales, Kristiene Recto, John Matthew Suntay, Fayeeza Shaikh, and Lucy Moctezuma
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Pleuni Pennings and Dr. Scott Roy
Entry Number: 15 GL
Endocytosis as a regulator of Glucagon Receptor Signaling
By: Jan Mikhale Cajulao and Eduardo Hernandez
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez and Dr. Mark von Zastrow (UCSF)
Entry Number: 16 GL
Migration and Invasion of Breast Cancers Belonging to Different Racial Groups
By: Jocelyne Milke, Jacqueline Uribe, Kevin Wang, and Idalia Myasnikov
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicole Salazar-Velmeshev
Entry Number: 17 GL
Investigating OSM-9’s Role in C. elegans Learning and Memory
By: Kevin Daigle, Fatema Saifuddin, Julia Miller
Cell and Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez, Dr. Noelle L'Etoile (UCSF)
Entry Number: 18 GL
Determining the main source of antibiotic-resistant infections through the diversity of Pathogenic Sequence Types
By: Lorena Benitez-Rivera, Candace Clark, and Anjani Pradhananga
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Pleuni Pennings
Entry Number: 19 GL
The Singular Cone Photoreceptors of the Skate Retina
By: Marta M. Ramon Gueva
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Entry Number: 20 GL
Discovery of Viruses of Thermophilic Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea from Terrestrial Hot Spring Metagenomes
By: Marwin Fernandez
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 21 GL
The Development of Genetic Machinery via an Archaeal Integrating Mobile Genetic Element
By: Matthew Dominguez
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 22 GL
Giant Peroxisomes: Optogenetic Enlargement and Evaluation of Candidate Organelle For Future Use as Synthetic Organelle.
By: Nelson Menjivar
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Chan
Entry Number: 23 GL
Determining the Role of vGPCR in Modulating Host Cell Transcription and Metabolism
By: Osvaldo Kevin Moreno
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Erica L. Sanchez, Dr. Scott Roy, and Dr. Nicole Salazar Velmeshev
Entry Number: 24 GL
Understanding Vacuole Related Mechanisms Under Toxic Metal Stress
By: Ramon Rodriguez
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Chan
Entry Number: 25 GL
Utilizing Optogenetics to Elucidate Inheritance Associated Vacuole Patterns in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
By: Ryan Joseph Acbay
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Chan
Integrative Biology
Entry Number: 26 GL
The evolution of novel, medial fin modifications in surfperches (Embiotocidae)
By: Breana Goldman
Integrative Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Karen Crow
Entry Number: 27 GL
Seasonal differences in distribution and behavior of the mesopredator sea star, Leptasterias spp., found in the extreme zones of the rocky intertidal
By: Cassandra Vaniotis
Integrative Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah Cohen
Entry Number: 28GL
Using high-throughput sequencing to determine the diets of the copepods Eurytemora carolleeae and Pseudodiaptomus forbesi in the San Francisco Estuary
By: Amy Lynn Wong
Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Sciences
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Wim Kimmerer, Dr. Michelle Jungbluth, and Dr. Alison Gould (California Academy of Sciences)
Marine Biology & Limnology
Entry Number: 29 GL
Analgesics for Improved Welfare in Hummingbird Bobtail Squid (Euprymna berryi)
By: Skyler Deutsch, Christopher Seng, and Alyssa Ng
Marine Biology & Limnology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robyn Crook
Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Sciences
Entry Number: 30 GL
Estimating infection levels of Eelgrass (Zostera marina) by Labyrinthula zosterae in north-central California
By: Taylor Pantiga and Kai Atkinson
Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen
Physiology & Behavioral Biology
Entry Number: 31 GL
Sex Differences in the Nociceptive Thresholds of the Hummingbird Bobtail Squid (Euprymna berryi)
By: Abbigale Koenigsmark, Shannon Changizi, and Ingrid Ortega
Physiology & Behavioral Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robyn Crook
Entry Number: 32 GL
Pain and Plasticity: spike sorting of peripheral neural activity underlying nociceptive sensitization in Manduca sexta
By: Christian Valtierra
Physiology & Behavioral Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Megumi Fuse
Entry Number: 33 GL
Anesthesia protocol in sepiolid squid
By: Rachel Parsons, Jacqueline Uribe, Megan Manahan, Amanda Friedman
Physiology & Behavioral Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robyn Crook
Entry Number: 34 GL
New approaches for interpreting protein molecular docking data of structurally complex substrates and promiscuous enzymes
By: Cillian Variot and Daniel Capule
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 35 GL
Insight Into the Structural Evolution of Polyamine Acetyltransferases Across Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, and Archaea
By: Huy Do
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 36 GL
Decarboxylase Enzymes in the Polyamine Biosynthetic Pathway are Post-translationally Modified by Lysine Acetyltransferase Proteins
By: Patricia Uychoco
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Computer Science
Entry Number: 37 GL
Analyzing Patterns of COVID spread using computational network analysis
By: Fiona Senchyna
Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rahul Singh
Entry Number: 38 GL
Finding Fog in the Cellular Anatomy of Coast Redwoods Trees
By: Triana Anderson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alexander Stine
Entry Number: 39 GL
Impact of Compost Tea and Row Management on Orchard Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Soil Properties
By: Clarissa Maciel and Angelica Crecencio
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Andrew Oliphant, Dr. Leonhard Blesius, and Dr. Sara Baguskas
Entry Number: 40 GP
Studying the effects of bond character in metal halides on diffusivity using maximally localized Wannier functions
By: Salma Ahmed
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicole Adelstein
Entry Number: 41 GP
Applications Of Tree Ring Anatomy in Paleotemperature Reconstructions in California
By: Jonathan Blake Pressley
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alexander Stine
Entry Number: 42 GP
U-Pb Geochronology of Ledge Mountain, Adirondacks
By: Laura Horsley
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mary Leech
Civil Engineering
Entry Number: 43 GP
Inferring at home gait parameters of older adults using floor vibrations
By: Chinh Do
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Zhaoshuo Jiang
Entry Number: 44 GP
Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of Tall Buildings
By: Xinwen He
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Zhaoshuo Jiang
Computer Engineering
Entry Number: 45 GP
A Power Efficient Neuromorphic Computing System Based On the Memristor Crossbar Array
By: Jian Huang
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hao Jiang
Computer Science
Entry Number: 46 GP
VR Engine - Structural Engineers VR Training Environment for Post-Hazard Assessment
By: Thomas Yu, Khanh Nguyen, Steffi Win, and Yongjian Pan
Computer Science
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Jenna Wong and Dr. Shah Rukh Humayoun
Electrical Engineering
Entry Number: 47 GP
Design and Evaluation of an IMU Sensor-based System for the Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Motor Dysfunction
By: Bao Tran
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Xiaorong Zhang, Dr. Charmayne Hughes, and Dr. Zhuwei Qin
Embedded Electrical and Computer Systems
Entry Number: 48 GP
Crowd Size Estimation Using WiFi Eavesdropping Despite MAC Address Randomization
By: Darren Newell and Taylor Artunian
Embedded Electrical and Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Yiyi Wang and Dr. Xiaorong Zhang
Entry Number: 49 GP
Smart IOT Landscape Light
By: Kunal Avdesh Verma and Ashwin Vinayak Arul
Embedded Electrical and Computer Systems
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Shahnasser
Entry Number: 50 GP
Hardware Secured 65nm Encryption and RISC-V Processor Cores
By: Suraj Rathod
Embedded Electrical and Computer Systems
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 51 GP
Simulation and Analysis of Open System Interconnect Model
By: Swaitlana Agnihotri
Embedded Electrical and Computer Systems
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Hamid Shahnasser and Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 52 GP
Emoji Bot
By: Rodrigo Tellez Aceves
Embedded Electrical and Computer Systems
Faculty Advisor: Ian Donovan
Entry Number: 53 GP
Determinant Condition for Multi-Tiling Riesz Spectral Measure
By: Alexander Sheynis
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai
Entry Number: 54 GP
On a Topological Erdos Similarity Problem
By: John P Gallagher
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai
Entry Number: 55 GP
Predicting Linear Factors for the Kostant Vector Partitioning of the Root System A_(n-1)
By: Luis Alberto Perez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Federico Ardila
Entry Number: 56 GP
Paths in Fractals generated by pairs of geometric similarities
By: Nicholas C Mendler
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai
Entry Number: 57 GP
The Hausdorff Dimension of Limit Sets of Well-distributed Schottky Groups
By: William Huanshan Chuang
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai, Dr. Emily Clader, and Dr. Dustin Ross
Entry Number: 58 GP
Radial Velocity Analysis with the SFSU Echehttps://cose.sfsu.edu/sps22-66gplle Spectrograph at UCB Leuschner Observatory
By: Alan B. Chew
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Michael Brewer
Entry Number: 59 GP
Investigating the 43 Helium core white dwarfs candidates in NGC 6752
By: Ricardo Flores
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Adrienne Cool
Entry Number: 60 GP
Mode Coupling and Anderson Localization in Disordered Arrays of Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguides
By: Amir Hashemizad
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Huizhong Xu
Entry Number: 62 GP
Efficient Single-Photon Source with Integrated Nanophotonic Waveguide
By: Dominic Ditmyer and Noel Ibarra
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Huizhong Xu
Entry Number: 63 GP
Hungry Stars: Modelling Planetary Accretion onto Stellar Atmospheres
By: Lauren Little
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Brewer
Entry Number: 64 GP
Titania Nanopillar Waveguide Illuminated Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy at High Concentrations
By: Stephan O'Brien, Ryan Bunyard, and Oskar Garcia
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Huizhong Xu
Entry Number: 65 GP
Testing for binary companions among rare stellar remnants in the star cluster NGC 6752
Yatrik Patel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Adrienne Cool
Entry Number: 66 GP
Dilaton Chiral Perturbation Theory at the Next-to-Leading Order
By: Andrew Freeman
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Maarten Golterman
Entry Number: 67 G/UB
Alcohol Misuse and Distress Tolerance: Looking Past the Monolith of Asian American
By: Gail Anne Manalastas
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Matsumoto
Entry Number: 68 G/UB
The Effect of Perceived Partner Responsiveness on Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Between Romantic Partners
By: Beyzanur Arican Dinc
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Matsumoto
Entry Number: 69 G/UB
Who Matters to You?
By: Victoria Chou, Qudisa Khalid, and Fernanda Amaya
Developmental Psychology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeff Cookston
Entry Number: 70 G/UB
Developing Workshops about Gender for High School Students
By: Ilke Bayazitli, Betsy Paredes Centeno, Julia Moon, Aleen Ohannessian, Daniel Reyes Grafil, Jo Nisa Cabilogan, Juan Argueta Rodriguez, Julia Sanchez, Nada Habash, Nicole Siqueira Matzembacker, Erica Santos
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Zena Mello
Entry Number: 71 G/UB
During Action Selection, Consciousness Represents Selected Actions, Unselected Actions, and Involuntary Memories
By: Latoya Wright-Wilson, Fanqi Kong, and Jamie Renna
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ezequiel Morsella and Dr. Mark Geisler
Entry Number: 72 G/UB
Habituation of Stimulus-Elicited Involuntary Cognitions: Implications for Neuroimaging and Psychopathology
By: Sarah Brauer, Tala Elsabbagh, Dennis Lambert, and Sabrina Bhangal
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ezequiel Morsella
Entry Number: 73 G/UB
Western and Middle Eastern Differences in Self-Reported Emotional Expressivity Mediated by Individual-Level Culture
By: Haneefa Murad
Social Psychology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Matsumoto
Entry Number: 74 G/UB
Forced to Relocate: COVID-19 and Moving Back into a Childhood Bedroom
By: Vanessa Hardin
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nancy Wilkinson and Dr. Courtney Donovan
Entry Number: 75 G/UB
An Examination of the Associations between COVID-Related Distress and Disordered Eating
By: Cherish Wilson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Sarah R. Holley
Entry Number: 76 G/UB
Examining the Role of Compassion Towards Victims and Harmdoers in Qualitative Sentencing Recommendations
By: Marina Aguinsky, Madelline Beckham, Daniella Cluver, Tiphaney Coles, David Coronado, Patricia De La Rosa Torres, Zoe Fejes, Yanina Lavarias, Isabelle Madayag,Gabrielle Martinez, Elizabeth Santos Nguyen, Gurneet Nijjar, and Fabiola Beatriz Valle
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Amy Smith
Entry Number: 77 G/UB
Sociotechnical Education and Engineering Identity in Undergraduate Students
By: Min Ha Hwang and Lizzy Trueblood
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Stephanie Claussen
Entry Number: 78 G/UB
Analyzing wing socket cells in the moth, Manduca sexta to detect allometric differences following tissue damage.
By: Leslie Flores
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Megumi Fuse
Entry Number: 79 G/UB
Eurocentrism in Engineering Textbooks: Bias in citing historical engineering advancement
By: Raed Kayed
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mojtaba Azadi
Entry Number: 80 UL
ped_sim - A flexible forward genetic simulator of complex family pedigrees
By: Kaela Syas
Applied Mathematics
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rori Rholfs
Entry Number: 81 UL
Using Kaczmarz Method for X-Ray Image Processing and Computed Tomography Scanning
By: Ryu Egawa
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Henry Boateng
Entry Number: 82 UL
Biocompatibility of Complementary Polymer/Epoxy-Sterilant Combinations for an Implantable Bioartificial Kidney Bioreactor
By: Eleazar DeAlmeida, Alonso Torres, Ana Santandreu, Caressa Chen, Eun Jung Kim, William H. Fissell, and Shuvo Roy
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shuvo Roy and Alonso Torres (UCSF)
Entry Number: 83 UL
Fixed orthodontic appliances affects on the composition of the oral microbiome
By: Afton Parry
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 84 UL
Organelle Size Scaling Regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Optogenetically Grown to Immense Cell Size
By: Brenda Sofia Garibay
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Mark Chan
Entry Number: 85 UL
Defining CLS-2 and SPD-1 Function in Central Spindle Assembly during C. elegans Sperm Meiosis
By: Cuc Huynh and Sebastian Gomez
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Diana Chu
Entry Number: 86 UL
Role of miR-190 on Cell Fate Determination During Mitosis in Drosophila Neuroblasts
By: Gerson Ascencio and Alexander Esquivel
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Blake Riggs
Entry Number: 87 UL
In-silico Models of Steady-State Ternary Complexes of Phenylacetaldehyde Dehydrogenase
By: Julio Espinosa Robles
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. George Gassner
Entry Number: 88 UL
Title: Mitochondrial distribution, quantification, and architecture in functionally plastic sensory neurons.
By: Julio Espinosa Robles
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Entry Number: 89 UL
Categorizing genes involved in an insect pain model, Manduca sexta, using a de novo transcriptome
By: Negeen Mostarshed
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Megumi Fuse
Entry Number: 90 UL
Muscle Segmentation in Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis
By: Sophia Huang
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Carmen Domingo and Dr. Julio Ramirez
Entry Number: 91 UL DISPLAY ONLY
BIOL 431 CURE: Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria on White Button Mushrooms with Brown Blotch Disease
By: Jessica Takemoto, Yogesh Badala, Ingrid Mazariegos, Paulina Curiel, Tiffany Cabrera, Christian Bustos, Isabella Chung, Catherine Gorostiza, Katherine Yee, Sammy Quach, Raxelle Atela, Adam Nieto, Jonar Dantes, Xuan Tran, Thomas Carpio, and Hao Tran
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lily Chen
Entry Number: 92 UL
Sourcing Novel Antibiotics from Soil
By: Joshua Bohm and Sarenna Shaw
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brinda Govindan
Entry Number: 93 UL
Analyzing Genetic Variability and Diversity of Microbial Communities in Geothermal Hot Springs using Metagenomic Read Recruitment
By: Juan Carlos Gomez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. de la Torre
Entry Number: 94 UL
Studying the Effectiveness of Monolaurin (1-lauroyl-rac-glycerol) and Ampicillin on Ampicillin Resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis
By: Steven Corrales and Alessandro Mazzora
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Brinda Govindan
Entry Number: 95 UL
Investigation of pedicellariae distribution among diverse habitats and genetic lineages of Leptasterias species
By: Elora Chatain
Faculty Advisors: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen and Dr. Bing Huey
Entry Number: 96 UL
Assessing how maternal health care needs are met for women of color at a pregnancy pop-up village
By: Kaelah Jackson
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Leticia Márquez-Magaña and Dr. Kala Meht (UCSF)
Entry Number: 97 UL
Comparison of Eelgrass Pathogen Density and Temperature and Salinity Levels in Drakes Estero and Tomales Bay
By: Andrea Hoppe and Taylor Pantiga
Faculty Advisor: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen
Entry Number: 98 UL
Examining the Presence of Sarcocystis neurona in Marine Invertebrates
By: Erika Ono-Kerns
Faculty Advisor: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen
Entry Number: 99 UL
Community interactions of the invasive colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum in a natural and an anthropogenic rocky intertidal
By: Nicole (Patricia) Cristales, Meredyth Duncan, Nitchamon Chuajedton, and Geoffrey Schroeder
Faculty Advisor: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen
Entry Number: 100 UL
Inhibitory Interneuron modulation in Cephalopod Nociception
By: Christopher Peng Seng
Marine Biology and Limnology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Robyn Crook
Entry Number: 101 UL
Climate Concerns: How Increasing Temperatures Affect the Size and Behavior of the Aggregating Anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima
By: Holly Robilliard
Marine Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. C. Sarah Cohen
Entry Number: 102 UL
A tale of three scripts: streamlining structural analysis of lysine acetylation on proteins
By: Allysa Ta and Kiana Amaral
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn and Dr. Nicole Adelstein
Entry Number: 103 UL
Assessing Oxytocin levels, a biomarker of resiliency, among Latina Breast Cancer Survivors: The Nuevo Amanecer- II Study
By: Adriana Mejia Lopez
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Leticia Márquez-Magaña and Dr. Cathy Samayoa (UCSF)
Entry Number: 104 UL
A study of telomere length among rural Latina breast cancer survivors participating in a peer-delivered stress management intervention: Nuevo Amanecer-II
By: Alexander Orellana
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Leticia Márquez-Magaña and Dr. Cathy Samayoa (UCSF)
Entry Number: 105 UL
Characteristics of Photoreceptor and Bipolar Cell Nuclei in the Skate Retina
By: Aya Alazzeh and Daniel Brown
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ivan Anastassov
Entry Number: 106 UL
A Dominant Modifier Screen for Genetic Interactor of Jagunal in Drosophila
By: Jorge Inojoza and Judy Abuel
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Blake Riggs
Entry Number: 107 UL
Determining the Synthetic Lethality of Cancer Related Mutations with Methyl and Ethyl Paraben in Drosophila melanogaster
By: Zainab Rizik and Nicole Banuelos
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Blake Riggs
Entry Number: 108 UL
Machine Learning Approach to Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
By: Jaizel Robles and Daniel Knapp
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ilmi Yoon, Dr. Julia Cluceru (Genentech), and Dr. Julio Ramirez
Entry Number: 109 UL
Computational analysis of behavioral patterns underlying opioid misuse using social media
By: Ezra Player
Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Rahul Singh
Entry Number: 110 UL
Applying Machine Learning Segmentation Algorithms to Biomedical Imaging for More Accurate Tumor Detection
By: Gineton Alencar, Joel Villalpando, and Elizabeth Mathiasen
Computer Science
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ilmi Yoon and Faye Orcales
Entry Number: 111 UL
Prediction of survival through Brain Tumor Segmentation
By: Jessica Zepeda and Hannah Lee
Computer Science
Faculty Advisors: Maxamillian Schneider, Dr. Ilmi Yoon
Entry Number: 112 UL
Skull Stripping MRI images with 3D CNN
By: Sebin Yoon and Anneke Moeller
Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ilmi Yoon, Dr. Julio Ramirez, and Julia Cluceru (Genentech)
Entry Number: 113 UL
Survivability of Different Brain Tumor Mutations
By: Tracy Tjang, Lane Maimone, and Fayeeza Shaikh
Marine Biology and Limnology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ilmi Yoon, Dr. Julio Ramirez, and Julia Cluceru (Genentech)
Entry Number: 114 UL
Acetylation on E. coli proteins: How it occurs and what proteins with alpha-beta plaits and beta-lactamases have been identified as acetylated
By: Maribel Santos and Riya Pankajkumar Chaudhary
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 115 UL
Comparing types and sites of lysine acetylation on two aspartate aminotransferase domains
By: Maricarmen Gonzalez Torres and Naoki Kakehashi
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 116 UL
Exploring the Regulation of Polyamine Biosynthesis and Degradation via Lysine Acetylation in E. coli
By: Pamela L. Caro De Silva
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 117 UL
Examination of the Structural Motifs that Underpin the GNAT Fold Across Diverse 3D Protein Structures
By: Phelan Glenn and Huy Duc Do
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 118 UL
Significance of the relationship between glutaredoxin and FAD/NAD(P) topologies and lysine acetylation
By: Tiffany Chambers and Saloni Chovatiya
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Misty L. Kuhn
Entry Number: 119 UL
Isolating Prostate Cancer-Selective Naphthoquinone Derivatives from Streptomyces sp. CP59-55
By: Devin Simbol
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Taro Amagata, Dr. Frederick A. Valeriote, and Dr. Mark Swanson
Entry Number: 120 UP
Correlating ionic versus polar-covalent bond characteristics with diffusivity in superionic metal halide
By: Johana Dolores Alema and Oskar Kenyatta Garcia
Cellular & Molecular Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicole Adelstein
Entry Number: 121 UP
Synthesis and characterization of silica core and gold nanoshells for photothermal cancer therapy
By: Nitisha Thapa
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jingjing Qiu
Entry Number: 122 UP
Experimental investigation of NixFe1-xOOH and CoxFe1-xOOH in electrocatalytic oxidation of seawater and Python-based simulation of cyclic voltammograms
By: Anneke Moeller
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jingjing Qiu and Dr. Nicole Adelstein
Entry Number: 123 UP
Electrolysis of Benzyl Alcohols
By: Daniel Boskin
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jingjing Qiu
Entry Number: 124 UP
Adsorption of silver(I) ion on synthetic manganese dioxide following oxidative dissolution of silver nanoparticles
By: Jon Gallardo and Edgar Guzman
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bruce Manning
Entry Number: 125 UP
Nitrogen-Doped Titanium Dioxide for Photocatalysis
By: Simran Anand, Faven Berhane, Dr. Andrew Ichimura
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andrew Ichimura
Entry Number: 126 UP
Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
By: Zachary Ragan, Tiernan Mcmahon, Jonathan Gallardo, Joe Delon-Maldonado, Bernard Hendrianto, Anneke Moeller, and Lorenzo Ramirez
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jingjing Qiu
Entry Number: 127 UP
Quantifying solar spectral contamination as a function of moon distance for EXPRES
By: Carissa Avina-Beltran
Faculty Advisor: Dr. John Michael Brewer
Entry Number: 128 UP
Climate Interference in Islamic Egypt
By: Wesley Mariscal
Earth & Climate Sciences
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alexander Stine, Dr. Erin Bray, and Dr. Francis Ludlow (Trinity College Dublin)
Entry Number: 129 UE/CS
Liver Tumor CT Image Segmentation
By: Nathnael Gebre, Phuong Phan, and Maricarmen Gonzalez Torres
Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ilmi Yoon
Entry Number: 130 UE/CS
Efficient Deep Learning Model for Real-Time Mask Detection on Mobile Devices
By: Zhenyu Lin, Benediction Bora, and Philip Liang
Computer Science
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Zhuwei Qin
Entry Number: 131 UE/CS
By: Edgard Moralers, Yarely Sanchez, Reema Shelopal, Freddy Juarez, Daniel Barahona, Bohua Guan, Michael Tawil, Judy Guan, and Marcelo Sevilla
Department: Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy D’Orazio
Entry Number: 132 UE/CS
Geotechnical Design of Building Foundations
By: Austin Almiranez, Loren Docena, Jordan Mai, and Kylar Eubanks
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy D'Orazio
Entry Number: 133 UE/CS
Structural Truss Bridge
By: Giovanni Tomei, Emily Khin, Joshua Jericho Apalisoc, Amir Gilani, Ana Martinez, Sonny Situ, Casey Guzman, Emmanuel Quiambao, and Sabrina Baier
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy D'Orazio
Entry Number: 134 UE/CS
Sustainable concrete
By: Lizzy Trueblood, Aura Arciniega, Daisy Gomez, and Dante Jackson
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Timothy D'Orazio
Entry Number: 135 UE/CS
VR Barista Training
By: Earvin Agagas, Jacky Dang, and Minggu Ma
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 136 UE/CS
Punching Game
By: Jiajie Hu, Yingye Xiao, and Junhong Liang
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 137 UE/CS
Overhead Imagery Object Detection using Jetson TX2
By: Josh Li
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hao Jiang
Entry Number: 138 UE/CS
High Speed FPGA Based Tester for Testing Hardware Secured Chip
By: Yosabet Kassie and Jeraphon Srion
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 139 UE/CS
Stable Spoon
By: Andre corrales, JunJie Li, and Jashua Tamsi Villajin
Electrical engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 140 UE/CS
Chess Bot
By: Armando Cobian, Justin Hannen, and Gerank Fok
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 141 UE/CS
32*32 Memristor Crossbar Array
By: Baiyu Wu
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hao Jiang
Entry Number: 142 UE/CS
Barbell Tracker
By: Carlos Rivera, Javis Balestier, Lam Ngo, and Minh Nguyen
Electrical Engineer
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 143 UE/CS
Self-Caring Greenhouse
By: Christian Flores and Ashish Khari
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 144 UE/CS
Project Foresight
By: Hayden Seto, Chris Sakurada, Mitchell Bergman
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 145 UE/CS
Smart Bathmat
By: Jeremy Foulds
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 146 UE/CS
Project Descent
By: Joseph Guerra, Brian Lee, and Kevin Yu
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 147 UE/CS
Autism Assist Mobile Application
By: Jozed Casimiro, Reina Sy, and Kandace Bishop
Computer Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 148 UE/CS
Successive Approximation Register of Integrated Analog-To-Digital Converter Array
By: Tigran Kurkchiyants
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hao Jiang
Entry Number: 149 UE/CS
Project Oceanus
By: Brenda Trinh, Jennie Diaz, Sean Colley, and Edwin Guzman
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. George Anwar
Entry Number: 150 UE/CS
Transcend (TRANSportable Compact Elbow-exoskeletoN Design)
By: Jarren Berdal and Kenton Li
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisors: Dr. David Quintero and Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 151 UE/CS
Covid-19 Mask Sanitizer
By: Jesse Avendano, George Ekas, and George Matos
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Quintero
Entry Number: 152 UE/CS
High-Rise Wastewater Energy Recovery System
By: John Christian Mohrman, Sean Romero, and Cooper Ackerman
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. George Anwar
Entry Number: 153 UE/CS
Numerical and experimental investigation of flow around an obstacle in micro- and milli-fluidic channels
By: Jose Villanuevam and Ian Bucog
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Fatemeh Khalkhal
Entry Number: 154 UE/CS
Drink Mixer
By: Kevin Nguyen, Kimberly Elgar, and Oscar Estrada
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi
Entry Number: 155 UE/CS
By: Kimberly Hernandez, Abbas Nasralla, and Michael Dastvarz
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton
Entry Number: 156 UE/CS
Health Bot
By: Lianna M Cubias, Bohua Guan, and Guillermo Manuel Rodriguez
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Quintero
Entry Number: 157 UE/CS
Contactless Food Locker
By: Matthew Rockwell, Sergio Gomez, Estella Barrios, and Huang Guangsheng
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Quintero
Entry Number: 158 UE/CS
Santa's Workshop Rapid Covid Test Delivery
By: Orlando Hulse, Ray Liu, and Carlos Rivera
Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. David Quintero
Entry Number: 159 UE/CS
Tiny Homes
By: Aira Roca
Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jenna Wong
Floor Map