Estuary & Ocean Science Center
Estuary & Ocean Science Center (EOS Center) is an off-campus research and teaching facility operated year-round and is the only academic research facility on the San Francisco Bay. The center's educational mission is to provide undergraduate and graduate courses in biology, geography, and geology that promote learning in the fields of marine biology, estuarine ecology, and oceanography.

San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
The San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve's mission is to improve understanding and stewardship of the estuary, with broader relevance to the ecosystems beyond the Golden Gate. The tidal marshes at Rush Ranch and China Camp serve as research sites for scientists; classrooms for teachers, land managers and naturalists; and inspiring places for Bay Area residents to visit.

Center for Science & Math Education
The Center for Science & Math Education has been established to recruit, prepare and support science and mathematics teachers; foster research into science and mathematics education and promote its application and establish a community of science and mathematics education scholars, practitioners, and students.

Health Profession Program
The goals of the program are to help train professionals that know how to conduct balanced lives and work with each other in a cooperative matter, to contribute to social justice by training a diverse population of healthcare providers thus lessening the access, treatment and outcome disparities that plague our healthcare system, and to provide socioeconomically disadvantaged participants a career path that affords them and their families with greater socioeconomic resources.

Institute for Geographic Information Science
The Institute for Geographic Information Science (IGISc) is a research institution dedicated to the promotion and support of geospatial research and technology. In addition to research projects, we run a GIS Certificate Program and house the CSU GIS Specialty Center which connects GIScience specialists at all 23 campuses. We stay at the cutting edge in geospatial software and analytical methods in order to provide the highest quality training, consulting, and research support.

Sierra Nevada Field Campus
The Sierra Nevada Field Campus is dedicated to promoting an understanding and appreciation of the biological diversity, geosciences, hydrology, astronomy, Plein air art and the written word in the Gold Lakes Basin and Sierra Valley regions of the Sierra Nevada through education and research. Classes are available to the general public from early June into August. Students enjoy rustic accommodations and tasty meals.
Electron Microscopy Facility
The mission of the Electron Microscopy Facility is to support the teaching and research activities of faculty, undergraduate and graduate students at SFSU; and to provide public outreach to local schools and colleges. The Ultra55 FE-SEM at SFSU is the highest-resolution analytical FE-SEM in Northern California.
For further information please contact:
Clive Hayzelden, D.Phil.
Email: cliveh@sfsu.edu
Genomics/Transcriptomics Analysis Core
The Genomics/Transcriptomics Analysis Core (GTAC) at San Francisco State University is a molecular biology core facility. The GTAC provides molecular biology equipment, results-analysis, computers and software, and training in the use of the facilities and software.
To use the GTAC facility please contact:
Colleen M. Ingram, Ph.D.
Email: cingram@sfsu.edu

Atomic Force Microscopy Facility
The Atomic Force Microscopy Facility at San Francisco State University is equipped with a suite of JPK Instruments that combine to make an extremely versatile and powerful scanning probe microscopy laboratory.
To use the AFM facility please contact:
Diana Mars
Email: dmars@sfsu.edu
Cell and Molecular Imaging Center
The Cell and Molecular Imaging Center (CMIC) is a core facility that supports both biological and materials science research by providing state-of-the-art equipment and training in contemporary light microscopy and imaging techniques, such as confocal microscopy, deconvolution microscopy, and flow cytometry.
To use the CMIC please contact:
Annette Chan, Ph.D.
Email: chan@sfsu.edu

The Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
The Institute for Civic and Community Engagement (ICCE) provides opportunities for civic engagement and leadership development at San Francisco State University for students, faculty, staff, and community members. Through innovative courses, experiential learning, political engagement, participatory action research, and direct services, we connect the resources and expertise of the urban university with the knowledge and assets of diverse communities.