The Genomics/Transcriptomics Analysis Core (GTAC)
The Genomics/Transcriptomics Analysis Core (GTAC) at San Francisco State University is a molecular biology core facility operated by the Department of Biology with support from the College of Science and Engineering (COSE). The GTAC provides molecular biology equipment, results analysis computers and software, and training in the use of the facilities and software. The facility serves undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, faculty and visiting researchers.
The GTAC primarily supports SF State researchers in the Department of Biology, both those located on campus and those from the Estuary & Ocean Science Center. There is also occasional use of the facility by researchers from the California Academy of Sciences, other departments at SF State, other Cal State Universities and the University of California. Currently, more than 40 researchers use the GTAC for a large portion of their work (not counting faculty advisers); and an additional 20 or so users make more limited use of the facility or submit samples for sequencing. The facility also supports a variety of undergraduate classes in the teaching of molecular biology skills.