BIOL446: Potential Venenivibrio Stagnispumantis Enzymes that Could Lead to the Purification of Arsenic-Contaminated Water
By: Mario Quintana
Department: Biology
Faculty Advisor: Dr. José R. De La Torre
Bioremediation is a concept within the science community where a microorganism can alter different contaminations found on Earth that are harmful to humans or other living species. This study specializes in the thermophilic bacteria Venenividrio stagnispumantis whose isolation occurred from the highly Arsenic Champagne Pool of Waiotapu, New Zealand. The bacteria grow between 45-75 degrees Celsius, using H2 as the electron donor, O2 as the electron acceptor, and CO2 as the carbon source. Comparatively, prolonged exposure to high concentrations of arsenic and antimony compounds is not only carcinogenic to humans but is also known to cause diabetes and liver or kidney impairment. Due to the Venenividrio stagnisputant's ability to survive in highly Arsenic environments, specific microbes should alter the toxicity, mobility, and bioavailability of high Arsenic into a more stable and innocuous element. This Experiment proposal aims to identify how the body reacts to the consumption of Arsenic compounds and to further research specific enzyme activity with the potential of eliminating and stabilizing Arsenic elements in drinking water. To answer our hypothesis, a comparative tool of nucleotide DNA sequencing from the Joint Genome Institute, BLASTN, and academically published articles was used to identify Enzymes that reduced the toxicity of Arsenic compounds.