Registration opens for Sierra Nevada Field Campus summer classes

Anyone can be a part of the scenic campus’ 75-year history by taking a class
Registration for the 2024 summer season at San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus (SNFC) is now open. This year will be the field campus’ 75th anniversary, and the summer course lineup is as strong as ever. The 7.1-acre campus is in the remote Sierra County near the Sierra Buttes and the North Yuba River. Both landmarks inspire countless SNFC visitors.
The 2024 listings include courses in natural history, local flora, watercolor and pastels, and even a new course on bear tracking (yes, bear tracking). Also new this year are a few courses about climate, culture and social justice that SF State students can take for credit.
“SF State students have an incredible opportunity to take a class in the Sierra Nevada with expert instructors, enjoy three meals a day and connect with a whole community of people with shared interests in the environment and the arts,” said SNFC Director Darrow Feldstein. “This season will be filled with great opportunities for learning and connection.”