COVID study shows children’s mental health tied to mothers’

A new study highlights how a mom’s pandemic and childhood trauma impact children’s mental health
Parenting is hard, and COVID-19 added many new layers of difficulty to an already herculean job. A new study highlights how maternal mental health — and a mother’s own adverse childhood experiences — impacted children’s mental health during the pandemic. The findings were published in the Journal of Affective Disorders.
“As COVID was unfolding, I was interested in thinking about the pandemic, including lockdown and COVID-19 transmission, as a traumatic stressor rather than just a difficult event. [I wanted to think] about our reactions to it in a more psychologically and trauma-informed way,” said first author Melissa Hagan, San Francisco State University associate professor of Psychology. For this project, she worked with long-term collaborators Nicole Bush and Danielle Roubinov at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where Hagan is also an adjunct assistant professor.