
Observing Localization of Light in Pseudorandom Widths of Titanium Dioxide Waveguides

Author: Prince Yadav

Faculty Supervisor: Huizhong Xu

Department: Physics & Astronomy

Quantum Computing is currently a major ongoing breakthrough in the Digital Revolution, and Nanophotonic waveguides can potentially serve as a promising platform to enhance Quantum Communication, Quantum Circuits, and Quantum Sensing. However, In order to extend the applications to quantum computing, understanding the behavior of Nanophotonic Waveguides in a timely manner is crucial. My project focuses on understanding Anderson Localization (or confinement of light) in pseudorandom waveguide widths when exposed to an external Electromagnetic Field (Light).

In my project, I am developing a computational model using coupled mode theory to analyze two-dimensional arrays of 100 nm × 150 nm TiO2 dielectric waveguides 5 nm above a silver thin film embedded in an SiO2 substrate. Due to the complexity of study, each simulation take about 2-3 days to run in COMSOL on our powerful lab computer. To speed up simulations, I have developed a generalized MATLAB code that could run the same simulation within 10-20 minutes, allowing future scientists with a faster platform to study Waveguides. I have currently built a model that works for 2 waveguides, and by the time of presentation data, I should have extended my model to study 100 waveguides, and the couple mode analysis built in this project could speed up the study of waveguides, allowing future scientists to eventually implement the learnings into providing enhanced framework for quantum computing.