2023 184 E1

Autonomous Firefighting Robot

By: Jason Luong, Nnaemeka Onyebuenyi, John Barajas

Department: Engineering 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Tom Holton

A fire outbreak is a hazardous act that leads to numerous consequences. Detecting a fire at an early stage and extinguishing it can aid in prevention of various accidents. Till now we rely on human resource. This often leads to risking the life of that person. Therefore, fire security becomes an important aspect to save human lives. In this a fire extinguishing robot has been proposed and designed which detects the fire location and extinguish fire by using spray foam on triggering the servo motor. This robot uses flame sensors for accurate fire detection. This proposed model of Fire Extinguishing Robot using Arduino used to detect presence of fire and extinguishing it automatically without any human interference. It contains gear motors and motor driver to control the movement of robot when it detects any presence of fire and will automatically start the spray foam to extinguish that fire breakout. The spray foam is released by can be using servo motor. The whole operation is controlled by an Arduino UNO.