2023 175 E1

Clementine's Crossing

By: Jade Zaleski, Bekah Roth, Erin Harvie, Elza Ramos, Jeffrey Blancas Gomez

Department: Engineering 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jenna Wong

As a team we are starting our building stages of the ENGR 697 Senior Project. Our project is designing, testing, and building a bridge via 3D printed materials. In the Fall semester our group went through three different designs of bridges to be contenders for our final build choice, and we chose our Clementine's Crossing, designed by Erin Harvie and Elza Ramos. The reason why we decided to go with this bridge was because we feel as though the Lilith Passage bridge would be the most supportive and the easiest to construct without running into major complications involving our programs. Not only this, but we would still be able to get creative with the aesthetic side of things