2023 169 E1

Tiny Foldable Homes

By: Alfredo Juarez Cruz, Kyle Kor, Taylor Olbrantz, Samantha Ramirez, Robert Maneclang

Department: Engineering 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Cheng Chen, Dr. Jenna Wong

The housing crisis has been a major issue in many urban areas across the globe, with skyrocketing prices making it nearly impossible for many individuals and families to afford a place to live. In response, there has been a growing movement towards alternative forms of housing that are more affordable and sustainable. Tiny homes are one such solution that has gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Not only are they relatively inexpensive to build and transport, but they also offer a unique opportunity for individuals to downsize and live more simply, while reducing their impact on the environment. Our proposed solution to the housing crisis is to design a tiny house that is specifically tailored to the needs of residents in San Francisco, California. By adhering to the city's residential codes, we can ensure that our homes are not only functional and affordable, but also meet the high standards for safety. Our final product for 696 will include the small scale model home that will incorporate a preliminary 2-story SolidWorks Design, SAP Analysis, (1.5ft x 1.5ft) Test Build to anticipate construction problems, and a Cost Analysis for the 697 model.