2023 163 CSM

A Visual Analytics Environment to Co-locate People’s Tweets with City Factual Data

By: Snehal Patil

Department: Computer Science 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shahrukh Humayoun

The primary goal of this project is to detect various activities occurring in a city by comparing the factual information provided by the city with related people’s tweets. The project employs a visual analytics environment to illustrate the areas where tourist and criminal activity are most prominent. Two different types of data is used for this purpose. The first dataset comprises people’s tweet data obtained using geotagged locations, including coordinates, time, and tweets. The second dataset comprises real-time crime records from previous years, including the date, location, and activity type. The project showcases the city by integrating both datasets, allowing visitors to identify locations they should explore and areas where they should exercise caution. By integrating people’s tweet data with real-time crime records, the project aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the city's areas of interest and potential danger. The resulting visual analytics environment present this information though intuitive and interactive visualizations.