2023 151 CSM

Visual Analytics Support for Exploring Twitter Data for Events

By: MST Jasmine Jahan, Chuting Yan, Ilya Nemtsov

Department: Computer Science 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shahrukh Humayoun

Nowadays People use social media platforms, such as Twitter or Facebook, to provide their feedback on recent events or news. Exploring such data would give us an indication of people's reactions toward the underlying event and news. In this project, we are working on providing visual analytics support to analyze people’s tweets about a recent event or news. More specifically, we will look into exploring the inside behavior of people’s tweets data from a different perspective, e.g., the sentimental polarity of tweets, emotions in tweets, etc. The resulting visual analytics tool would be useful for analysts to explore people’s tweet data for an event or news more effectively and efficiently.