Welcome to CS4All@SFSU
The mission of the CS4All@SFSU is to promote academic excellence and broaden participation in K-12 Computer Science (CS) education. To achieve this mission, we have collaborated with other universities, K-12 schools, educational research institutions, and the communities, and launched a number of professional development programs for preparing and supporting K-12 CS teachers to offer rigorous and equitable CS education to all students.
CS4All Team

The team for CS4All@SFSU consists of outstanding faculty in the Computer Science department who have led the initiatives to increase K-12 Computer Science education in the San Francisco Bay Area. Along with these faculty, there are a large number of collaborators with other institution in the San Francisco Bay Area that support the missions of CS4All@SFSU.
To learn more about the faculty and collaborators at CS4All, press the button below.
The goals of CS4All@SFSU are supported through grant funding from different organizations, including the National Science Foundation (NSF). The current grant-funded project support the goals and efforts of CS4All@SFSU is the CS4NorthCal Project, supported by a grant funded through NSF.
Prior to the CS4NorthCal Project was the CS4SF Project. Click the buttons below to learn more.

CS4NorthCal Programs
- CS Supplementary Authorization for K-12 teachers
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
- Mentorship

CS4SF Programs
- Summer Institutes
- Instructional Assistance Class
- Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)