
How to Apply

Use SF State Academic Works to browse all scholarships or specific scholarships, or see the list below for scholarships by college or departments.

All applications must be completed online at SF State Academic Works. Need help applying for a scholarship and/or navigating the website? Email Lannie ( to schedule a ‘Help’ session via Zoom.

NOTE: You may apply for all that you are qualified for. You may also use the same essay and recommendations. All required materials must be submitted online, no paper applications will be accepted.

Scholarships for the College of Science & Engineering (CoSE), deadline for CoSE applications is April 16, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.


ARCS Scholarships ($11,000)   
Awarded to ten to twelve graduate students in the Departments of Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Computer Science, Earth & Climate Sciences, Geography & Environment, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy

Robert William Maxwell Memorial Scholarships ($5,000)    
Awarded to three to five graduate students in the College of Science & Engineering

FALL 2025

College of Science & Engineering Advisory Board Scholarship ($2,500)    
Awarded to one outstanding graduate student in the College of Science & Engineering

WISE ($2500) Awarded to two outstanding graduate students in the College of Science & Engineering 

Bruce A. Rosenblatt Community Service Scholarships ($1,250)    
Awarded to one undergraduate or graduate student in the College of Science & Engineering with 100 hours of Community Service

James C. Kelley Scholarship ($1,500)    
Awarded to one undergraduate or graduate student in the College of Science & Engineering with career orientation and/or interests in the field of Marine or Environmental science

Jenny Low Chang ($2100) 
Awarded to one outstanding graduate and one outstanding undergraduate student in the College of Science & Engineering

SF Resident (formerly David & Cary Cassa Memorial) Scholarship ($1,000)    
Awarded to one College of Science & Engineering undergraduate student who lives in San Francisco

Kenneth Fong Scholarships in Biology ($1,500)    
Awarded to four undergraduate students in the Department of Biology

C.Y. Chow Memorial Scholarships ($1,500)    
Awarded to one undergraduate student in each of the following departments: Computer Science and Mathematics

Pamela Fong Scholarships in Mathematics ($1,500)    
Awarded to four undergraduate students in the Department of Mathematics

Working Student Scholarships ($1,000)    
Awarded to one College of Science & Engineering undergraduate student who can solve a genetic code and protein sequence

Northern Sierra Research Award ($5,000)  
The Northern Sierra Research Award is for graduate students in the College of Science & Engineering conducting research on Northern Sierra topics. 

Scholarships by department, application deadlines vary please check specific scholarships:

If you have any questions regarding scholarships or special project funds for students (establish new ones, donate to existing ones, or apply for one), please contact Lannie Nguyen,